sometimes all you have to do is ask

three girls, sitting on a bench. talking and laughing. showing complicity in a summer day.
{this one is for m. and for v., thank you girls!}

sometimes when you ask…

you get an answer.

probably not the answer you were seeking, or the one you expected to hear.

but a answer nonetheless. and exactly the one you are supposed to listen. Continue reading “sometimes all you have to do is ask”

when love pops on your life

two girls on a beach

i’m creating {poplove} to share with you the people, the projects, and the creations i love. some days you’ll have a pick at my feed {decluttering as we read}, others just a single awesome “something” i discovered and couldn’t wait to share!

like now. Continue reading “when love pops on your life”

are you too collecting smiles?

i was reading this article about bicycle diaries and collecting smiles. just the title is inspiring, don’t you think?

after i saw the quote you’ll read next, i had the urge to comment. but there were so many thoughts circling around that i felt the need to create a post in response. please read the article yourself because it’s full of beautiful imagery and touching lessons. and the end, oh the end… (; Continue reading “are you too collecting smiles?”