how magic looks like

life doesn’t always work out as we want. we make plans, she creates surprises. and we don’t always like surprises, because they aren’t always good. they aren’t always at the reach of our control.

and here’s the fallacy. control doesn’t exist. we just have the illusion that we can pick what happens to us.

we have the illusion that what happened then, will happen later. we don’t have all the variables in our hands. it isn’t a math problem we can solve. (math can be so much easier than creativity, can it not?)

life hasn’t a gps either. a map where you can exactly know where to go, how to go, and what to do once you get there.

there are millions of points you can link, many goals to pursue and also infinite ways to reach them.

but, in the end, all you have is now. all you have is your love.

so, use them well. as they will show you how magic looks like.


quote about love and image of father and on on the beach

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