do you think you’re vegan?

sheep on the outdoor. black and white photo.

probably you aren’t.

because being a real vegan is an almost impossible goal to attain.

don’t throw me your stones just yet. let me explain why i say this.

you’ll agree with me that being a vegan means to stop exploiting animals in any way, and treating them with kindness instead. as equals.

in a world that doesn’t even treat humans equally, you might imagine how hard that may be. specially when we are so used to this behaviour of using animals for our own comfort.

but that’s not really my point, is it?

as i was saying, i feel kind of powerless when i think about on my vegan journey. i know i’m still a newbie, but no one expects me to change overnight. i hope.

and i feel powerless because there are a million things i need to do to use that “vegan badge” (as if it was something so honourable it needs a medal).

when i eat my veggies, and my fruits, and my cereals, i can’t be sure of how vegan they are.

what if they have come from animal exploration agriculture? what if pesticides were used?

and my coconut oil, was a monkey used to catch the coconut from where this product was made?

and all the plastic i’m using: is it killing animals?

and the oil used in the buses i take to go for work? isn’t it polluting the air, and the water, and the soil?

and the clothes i wear? are they gmo free? were humans exploited in the process?

and the…

do you see where i’m going?

there’s always a new level of veganism. there’s always something else we can do.

there’s always a way to be more kind.

keep loving. keep veganizing. 😉

// photo credit by mehdi genest on unsplash




do you belong to the jungle or the circus?

squirrel on a forest

how do you feel about zoos?

do you think they protect the animals, or were created for profit? do you believe it’s good entertainment, or a great representation of our world’s state? better than a circus or pretty much heartless? Continue reading “do you belong to the jungle or the circus?”