11 lessons in 1 day, by zumba

i ask myself how many lessons zumba has for me yet.

zumba is been helping me to rediscover myself, and this time this is what i’ve learned:

it doesn’t matter what happens, it just matters how we feel.

our feelings shape our experience. we put the inside on the outside. we see as we feel.

if we’re having fun, we can overcome ourselves.

and there will be nothing we can’t do, because we’re giving our best and we’ll do it for as long as we need it to be successful.

an experience is much more than what we see.

because there’s a whole universe behind it. and a whole lot of meanings too.

the most simple things can give us the most joy.

because they are easy to take, and easy to share.

if we go to the world with an open mind, we will always be surprised.

there are opportunities everywhere, we just need to be willing to take them.

when we think we’re giving, we’re actually receiving. in triple.

there’s no such thing as only giving, and only receiving. there’s always an exchange. we might see it as good or bad, but that’s only our judgement, based on our limited beliefs.

what is insignificant for some, means the whole world for others.

so don’t waste your time, or your kindness. use them well.

a smile can travel for miles.

so give your best smile whenever you can. that means always. 😀

there’s nothing more powerful than a tribe.

people united, going for the same goal, can make magical things. and they surely will go far and beyond.

the crowd makes the success.

because alone we aren’t anyone. we are only leaders when we have followers. we give the love, they transform it into meaning.

i am happy because i want to.

not because the world allows me to. or because i have the conditions to be so. i choose to be happy, every second of my life. even if that means to suffer sometimes. as in suffering, there is growth. and that’s happiness for me. 😉


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